Chinese Conversation 汉语对话 掉链子 diào liànzi

Beijing Dialect


To give up halfway


(diào liànzi)


A: You look very different from before.


(nǐ kàn qǐlái ɡēn yǐqián hěn bù yīyànɡ.)


B: Sure. I started exercising regularly two years ago and went from 253 to 160 pounds. Losing weight was the only thing I didn’t give up halfway.


(dānɡrán. wǒ liǎnɡnián qián kāishǐ dìnɡqī yùndònɡ, ránhòu cónɡ 253 bànɡ jiǎn dào le 160 bànɡ, jiǎnféi shì wéiyī yījiàn wǒ méiyǒu diào liànzi de shìqínɡ.)


A: Good for you! I hope I can have that strong willpower.

真好! 我希望我也有那么强的意志力。

(zhēnhǎo! wǒ xīwànɡ wǒ yěyǒu nàme qiánɡ de yìzhìlì.)

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