Chinese Conversation 汉语对话 飞机失事 fēijī shīshì

Chat attack

airplane crash


(fēijī shīshì )

A: Did you see the news that an airplane crashed in San Francisco?


(nǐ kàn xīnwén le ma?yǒu jià fēijī zài jiùjīnshān shīshì le .)

B: Really? I’ve always been afraid of flying. Since hearing of this news, I really don’t want to fly.


(shìma?wǒ yīzhí hàipà zuòfēijī, nǐ zhème shuō de huà,wǒ ɡènɡ bùɡǎn zuò le.)

A: But to be honest, airplanes are still a comparatively safe way to travel.


(qíshí xiānɡduì láishuō, fēijī háishì bǐjiào ānquán de.)

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