Category: Chinese Mythology

Natural Heritage 自然遗产 Sanqing Mountain in Jiangxi 江西三清山风景名胜区

三清山位于江西省东北部上饶市境内,是国家重点风景名胜区。景区内千峰竞秀、万壑奔流、古木茂盛、珍禽栖息。同时她又是一座具有1600余年历史的道教名山,古代文化遗产得到完好保存。可谓亿载造化和千秋人文相融合的典范。 The Sanqing Mountain lies within the border of Shangrao City in the northeastern part of Jiangxi Province and is

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Natural Heritage 自然遗产 Yellow Dragon Scenic Spot 黄龙风景名胜区

黄龙风景名胜区,位于四川省西北部,是由众多雪峰和中国最东部的冰川组成的山谷。在这里人们可以找到高山景观和各种不同的森林生态系,以及壮观的石灰岩构造、瀑布和温泉。这一地区还生存着许多濒临灭绝的动物,包括大熊猫和四川疣鼻金丝猴。 Located in the northwest of Sichuan Province, Yellow Dragon Scenic Spot is a valley composed of many snow-capped peaks

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Natural Heritage 自然遗产 The Parallel Flow of Three Rivers 三江并流

“三江并流”是指金沙江、澜沧江和怒江这三条发源于青藏高原的大江在云南省境内自北向南并行奔流170多公里,穿越担当力卡山、高黎贡山、怒山和云岭等崇山峻岭之间,形成世界上罕见的“江水并流而不交汇”的奇特自然地理景观。其间澜沧江与金沙江最短直线距离为66公里,澜沧江与怒江的最短直线距离不到19公里。 The Parallel Flow of Three Rivers refers to the world’s rare natural geographic of “parallel flow of rivers without

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Chinese Myth Figures 中国神话人物 23 ZhongKui 钟馗

In Chinese folklores, Zhong Kui is a god who exorcises ghosts and evil spirits.As legend has it, he lived in Zhongnan Mountain in the early Tang Dynasty. He was born with a panther-like head, ring-like eyes, an iron face and curly whiskers. Though very ugly, he was a profoundly learned and talented figure. As a man of integrity, he always upheld justice and feared no evil or mischievous being. In 712 when Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty ascended the throne, Zhong Kui went to Chang’an to take the imperial civil examination. Impressed by Zhong’s five poems entitled Holding Banquets in Yingzhou, the chief examiner praised him as a prodigy and enrolled him top of all examinees. During the palace examination, however, a treacherous minister named Lu Qi judged Zhong Kui by the appearance, and repeatedly spoke ill of him before the emperor. As a result, Zhong Kui failed to claim championship in the exam. Infuriated, he bumped his head against a pillar in the palace and thus killed himself. The entire court was shocked. Then Emperor Dezong issued an imperial edict, conferring upon Zhong Kui the title of Demon Queller who traveled all over the world to kill the evil and expel the wicked. In addition, the official title of Number One Scholar was also buried with him.

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Chinese Myth Figures 中国神话人物 22 Pixiu 貔貅

Also known as Tianlu or Bixie, Pixiu is one of the five auspicious animals in ancient Chinese mythology, the other four being the dragon, phoenix, tortoise, and Chinese unicorn. Pixiu is considered a wealth-bringing divine animal with a dragon’s head, a horse’s body and a unicorn’s feet. The animal, capable of flying, looks like a lion and has gray fur.

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Chinese Myth Figures 中国神话人物 21 The God of Land 土地神

The God of Land, commonly known as “Lord of Land”, “Land Master” or “Land Divinity”, may be the lowest-ranking and most unnoticed god of all divinities, but it’s one of the most-widely worshipped gods among the Chinese people. In the past, nearly all households enshrined the God of Land, with temples of various sizes dedicated to the god scattered in urban and rural areas, attracting a large number of pilgrims.

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