“Yǐmàoqǔrén” de diǎn ɡù”以貌取人“的典故
Category: Chinese Language Vocabulary
Buying a Pair of Shoes 郑人买履
Zhènɡ rén mǎi lǚ
郑人买履 Cónɡqián,yǒu ɡè Zhènɡɡuó rén xiǎnɡ mǎi xiézǐ,tā xiān yònɡ chǐzi liánɡ le liánɡ zìjǐ de jiǎo,ránhòu bǎ liánɡ hǎo de chǐcùn fànɡ zài le zìjǐ de zuòwèi shànɡ。dànshì,dānɡ tā zhǔnbèi qù mǎi xié de shíhou,què wànɡ le ná liánɡ hǎo de chǐcùn。
从前有个郑国人想买鞋子,他 先用尺子量了量自己的脚,然后把量好的尺寸放在了自己的座位上。但是,当他准备去买鞋的时候,却忘了拿量好的尺寸。
Chinese idioms:门庭若市 A Courtyard as Crowded as a Marketplace
zhànɡuǒ shí qíɡuó de xiānɡɡuó zōu jì shēncái ɡāodá rónɡmào duānzhuānɡ
Chinese idioms:Chinese idioms:不寒而栗
不寒而栗 (bù hán ér lì)Shiver all over though not cold — tremble with fear
Zhun Bei – Daily Mandarin Lesson 准备
Meaning preparation; prepare Pronunciation Tone marks: ► zhǔn bèi Tone numbers: zhun1 bei4 Chinese Characters Traditional:
Zhong Yao – Daily Mandarin Lesson 重要
Meaning important; significant; major Pronunciation Tone marks: ► zhòng yào Tone numbers: zhong4 yao4 Chinese Characters
Yuan Yi – Daily Mandarin Lesson 愿意
Meaning to wish; to want; ready; willing (to do sth) Pronunciation Tone marks: ► yuàn yì Tone
Yi Jing – Daily Mandarin Lesson 已经
Meaning already Pronunciation Tone marks: ► yǐ jīng Tone numbers: yi3 jing1 Chinese Characters Traditional: 已經
Xu Yao – Daily Mandarin Lesson 需要
Meaning to need; to want; to demand; needs; to require Pronunciation Tone marks: ► xū yào Tone
Xi Guan – Daily Mandarin Lesson 习惯
Meaning habit; custom; usual practice; to be used to Pronunciation Tone marks: ► xí guàn Tone numbers: