tī qiú
踢 球 kick; boot 117.踢球:kick; boot118.踢球者: kicker119.得球:gain possession of the ball
Category: Chinese phrases
wū lóng qiú乌龙球(踢进本方球门):own [self] goal比划:
Defender Marcelo marched into the history books on Thursday by scoring Brazil’s first own goal at a World Cup.
“乌龙球”就是打入自家球门的球,因此英文中就叫own goal,“进了一个乌龙球”可以用score an own goal表示。本届世界杯揭幕战(opening game/opener)中的首个进球是乌龙球,同时这也是巴西队在世界杯历史上的首个乌龙球。
【外交官汉语二十四】 President Xi's Speech at UNESCO 10
390,人的胸怀the human soul雨果说,世界上最宽阔的是海洋,比海洋更宽阔的是天空,比天空更宽阔的是人的胸怀。Victor Hugo once said, "There is a prospect greater than the sea, and it is the sky; there is a prospect greater than the sky, and it is the human soul."
【外交官汉语二十三】 President Xi's Speech at UNESCO 9
385,和而不同 harmony without uniformity386,《左传》the Chronicle of Zuo387,“和如羹焉,水、火、醯、醢、盐、梅,以烹鱼肉。”
【外交官汉语二十二】 President Xi's Speech at UNESCO 8
372,秦俑the terracotta warriors373,“地下的军团” "the buried legions of Emperor Qin"
【外交官汉语二十一】 President Xi's Speech at UNESCO 7
361,2000多年来 In the course of some two thousand years and more362,佛教、伊斯兰教、基督教Buddhism, Islam and Christianity
【外交官汉语二十】 President Xi's Speech at UNESCO 6
343,产生于originated in佛教产生于古代印度 Buddhism originated in ancient India.345,经过长期演化went through an extended period of integrated development with
【外交官汉语十九】 President Xi's Speech at UNESCO 5
306,交流互鉴interacting with and learning from others307,“文明冲突”"clash of civilizations"
【外交官汉语十八】 President Xi's Speech at UNESCO 4
281,推动文明交流互鉴To promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations282,需要秉持正确的态度和原则
【外交官汉语词汇十七】 President Xi's Speech at UNESCO 3
272,成立 inception273,忠实履行使命has faithfully lived up to its mandate274,进行了不懈努力 worked untiringly to