Kategori: Chinese Kung Fu

Schools 门派 Meishan Sect 梅山派

梅山派又称为"新化派",流传于湖南梅山地区。梅山地区本来就有很强的尚武之风,宋代以前多使用戈戟,善于使用弓弩。明朝的时候习惯用弓箭配合马匹,重视实用技能,也曾涌现出很多轻功高手,新化有个义军首领李庭禄就能"拔剑飞檐"。 Meishan sect is also known as the Xinhua sect, which is popular in Meishan region of Hunan Province. Before

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Schools 门派 Huashan Sect 华山派

华山派是全真道教的一个支派。华山派开派祖师郝大通是全真教祖师王重阳的弟子之一,相传王重阳圆寂后郝大通等四人为他们的师傅守孝,有一天郝大通在歧山遇了一位神人,神人指点了他《易》的真谛,得高人指点郝大通逐渐体会到王重阳的武功精髓,于是开堂演道,广收弟子,逐渐形成了自己的道教门派——华山派。 The Huashan sect is a branch of Quanzhen Taoism founded by Hao Datong, an apprentices of Wang Chongyang who

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Schools 门派 Kongdong Sect 崆峒派

崆峒派又名"崆峒栖霞派"。相传源于甘肃平凉地区的崆峒山,创派大约是在唐朝末年,创始人飞虹子,为当时的江湖五剑侠之一。他年轻的时候喜欢游走江湖,四处学艺,后来隐居在崆峒山独自钻研,功夫有了很大的成就,吸引了一大部分当时对武术痴迷的人前来切磋。徒弟遍布中华大地,所会武艺可谓纷繁复杂,器械更是难以计数,故得名"海纳百川"。 The Kongdong Sect, also known as the Kongdong Xixia Sect, originated in the Kongdong Mountain in Pingliang region of

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Kung Fu 功夫 Emei Sect 峨眉派

峨眉派武术起源于先秦时期,峨眉武术创始人是先秦时期的武师司徒玄空。因其曾模仿峨眉山白猿的形态创造了白猿剑法与白猿通臂拳,又称白猿公;峨眉派武术成型于南宋时期,代表人物为峨眉山白云禅师和白眉道人。 Originating during the pre-Qin dynasties, Emei Kungfu was invented by Situ Xuankong, a Kungfu master of that time. He

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The Liuyedao

Among the many types of Chinese broadsword, the Liu Ye Dao, or willow leaf sabre, stands out as my favourite. It handles well, moving quickly and with the ability to thrust, even though it is primarily a cutting sword.

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