Words & Phrases 词汇与词组 – 航天员 háng tiān yuán


Pinyin: háng tiān yuán
Sentence:男孩儿们假扮成航天员。The boys made believe (that) they were astronauts.



Pinyin: háng
Meaning: Ship; vessel; boat
Radical: 舟
Stokes: 10
Traditional: 航
Common words/Phrase:
航空 [háng kōng] 【aviation】
航班 [háng bān] 【flight】
航天 [háng tiān] 【space flight】
航海 [háng hǎi] 【sailing】
航线 [háng xiàn] 【ship or air route】


Pinyin: tiān
Meaning: Sky; heaven; day
Radical: 大
Stokes: 4
Traditional: 天
Common words/Phrase:
天使 [tiān shǐ] 【angel】
天堂 [tiān tang] 【heaven; paradise】
天空 [tiān kōng] 【sky】
天气 [tiān qì] 【weather】
天然 [tiān rán] 【natural】


Pinyin: yuán
Meaning: A person engaged in some field of activity
Radical: 口
Stokes: 7
Traditional: 員
Common words/Phrase:
记录员 [jì lù yuán] 【a recording secretary】
人员 [rén yuán] 【staff】
伤病员 [shāng bìng yuán] 【the wounded and sick】
满员 [mǎn yuán] 【all seats taken】

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