Popular Chinese Beef Dishes

There are many ways to cook beef. It can be cooked by stir-frying, baking, stewing, steaming, and boiling. It can be cooked with many vegetables, such as bell peppers, celery, onions, tomatoes, and potatoes. Two regional favorites are:

Black Pepper Beef

Black pepper beef Black pepper beef
Black pepper beef is a famous Cantonese dish. This dish is made from tender pieces of beef fried with black pepper, onions, and green and red bell peppers. The beef tastes smooth and delicious; the onion and red and green bell peppers are crispy. Learn more about how to cook black pepper beef.

Poached Sliced Beef in Hot Chili Oil

Poached sliced beef in hot chili oil (or water boiled beef) is a famous Sichuan dish. It tastes numbing, hot, and spicy due to the large amount of chilies and Sichuan pepper used. Learn more about how to cook poached sliced beef in hot chili oil.

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