Chinese Conversation 汉语对话 Having A Dinner At Home


Wáng: Duō chī shū cài, duì jiàn kāng yǒu hǎo chù.
Lǐ: Shì ā, shū cài zhōng yǒu xiān wéi hé wéi shēng sù. Hái yǒu lìyú bǎo chí shēn cái ne!
Wáng: Wǒ xiǎo shíhou tiāo shí, bù ài chī shū cài. Xiàn zài yě bù dé bù gǎi le.
Lǐ: Jì xù nǔ lì!

Wang: Have more vegetables. They are good for your health.
Li: Yes, they contain fibers and vitamins. They will also keep you fit!
Wang: I was very picky ab0ut food and not keen on vegetables when I was a kid. I have to change that now.
Li: Keep working on that!

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