Chinese Conversation 汉语对话 开涮 kāishuàn

Beijing Dialect

Make a fool of somebody



A: You made a fool of me yesterday, didn’t you!


(nǐ zuó’ér wǎnshànɡ yòu ná wǒ kāishuàn láizhe,shìbùshì!)

B: So what? I just told your funny stories to our friends.


(nà zěnme le?wǒ zhīshì ɡēn zánliǎnɡ de pénɡyǒu jiǎnɡjiǎnɡ nǐ de qùshì’ér.)

A: That’s so embarrassing! I can’t face them after that.


(zhè tài diurén le!zhè rànɡ wǒ yǐhòu zěnme jiànrén!)

B: I promise, I won’t do it again.


(wǒ bǎozhènɡ xiàhuí bù zhème ɡànle. )

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