Word on the street
Thumb generation
(mǔzhǐ zú)
A: Will you put down your cellphone?
(bié wán shǒujī le kěyǐ ma?)
B: I want to, but I just can’t help myself.
我也想呀, 但是我停不下来。
(wǒ yě xiǎnɡ ya, dànshì wǒ tínɡ bú xià lái.)
A: You are a typical thumb generation. It refers to those people to whom the mobile phone is not just a device for speaking to people, but rather is the center of their universe.
(nǐ shìɡe diǎnxínɡ de mǔzhǐ zú. tā zhǐdeshì nàxiē bǎ shǒujī dànɡzuò shēnɡhuó zhōnɡxīn, ér bù jǐnjǐn shì jiāoliú ɡōnɡjù de rén.)