Chinese Conversation 汉语对话 入乡随俗 rùxiānɡ suísú

Chinese idioms

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.


(rùxiānɡ suísú )

A: I heard that you are going on a vacation to Thailand.


(tīnɡshuō nǐ yào qù tàiɡuó lǚyóu le.)

B: Yes, we are leaving next week.


(ēn, shìa, xiàzhōu jiù chūfā le .)

A: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When you arrive, please respect their customs.


(rùxiānɡ suísú, nǐ dào nàbiān zhīhòu, yào zūnzhònɡ duìfānɡ de fēnɡsú . )

B: Don’t worry. I have done enough homework.


(fànɡxīn ba,wǒ yǐjīnɡ zuòle ɡōnɡkè .)

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