Chinese Conversation 汉语对话 厌职情绪 yàn zhí qínɡ xù

Antipathy towards work


(yàn zhí qínɡ xù)


A: Can you help me with my curriculum vitae?


(nénɡ bānɡ wǒ kàn xià jiǎnlì ma?)


B: At your service. Have you been fired?


(yuànyì xiàoláo. nǐ shì bèi chǎole ma?)


A: Of course not! I just have developed a sense of antipathy towards work. You know, I have been doing the same thing for a whole decade, and am fed up of it.


(dānɡrán búshì. wǒ zhǐshì chǎnshēnɡ le yànzhí qínɡxù. yào zhīdào, ɡuòqù shínián wǒ yìzhí zài zuò tónɡyànɡ de ɡōnɡzuò.)

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