Chinese grammar: "Stuff like that" with "zhileide"之类的

之类的 can be translated as "and so on" or "and stuff like that." As in English, this grammar point is used to continue a list without explicitly mentioning further items within it in Chinese grammar.

Used with 像

Wǒ xǐ huɑn dāi zài dà chénɡ shì , xiànɡ shànɡ hǎi , xiānɡ ɡǎnɡ zhī lèi de .
我 喜欢 呆 在 大 城市,像 上海、香港 之类的 。
I like to stay in big cities like Shanghai, Hong Kong, and places like that.

Used without 像
The 像 in the sentence can also be left out.



Nǐ xǐ huɑn kàn 《 xī yóu jì 》 zhī lèi de diàn yǐnɡ mɑ ?
你 喜欢 看《西游记》之类的 电影 吗?
Does he like to watch movies like "Journey into the West"?

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