Chinese grammar: Structure of days of the week

When we learn Chinese grammar, date is also important for beginers.

There are several ways to refer to the days of the week in Chinese. (Fortunately, they’re all pretty easy.)


Days of the week in Chinese are formed by the word week followed by a number:

Days of the week in Chinese are formed by the word week followed by a number:
Days of the week
Monday Tuseday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
星期一    星期二    星期三          星期四     星期五  星期六    星期天

Notice that Sunday is the only exception. Rather than a number, 天 is used. More formally, Sunday is also referred to as 星期日.

As well as 星期, two other words for week can be used:
礼拜lǐ bài

So a more complete table of days of the week is:
Other ways to say days of the week

Monday Tuseday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
星期一    星期二    星期三          星期四     星期五  星期六    星期天
周一      周二        周三            周四         周五    周六       周日
礼拜一     礼拜二    礼拜三         礼拜四     礼拜五   礼拜六   礼拜天


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