Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 猫腻(māonì) ignoble trick

猫腻 (māonì) secrete, underhanded activity; ignoble trick



“猫腻” is a local Beijing saying. It means underhanded activity, especially a secretive or ignoble trick.


1、Jiǎ: Zhēn dǎoméi! Wǒ mǎidào le jiǎhuò.
A: What bad luck! I bought a fake.


Yǐ : Zhème piányi, yīdìng yǒu māonì a.
B: It was so cheap; of course it’s an ignoble trick.


2、Jiǎ: Wǒmen zǒng shūqiú, wǒ huáiyí shìcáipàn chuī hēishào.
A: We always lose our matches. I suspect the referee is deliberately making bad calls.


Yǐ : Zhè qízhōng de māonì jìu bùdé’ érzhī le.

B: We’ll never know about this underhanded activity.

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