Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 What's your astrological sign? 十二星座


Compaired with the year of 12 animals, young people prefer to talk about the constellation from western culture. Most of them are quite clear about their character of 12 signs of the zodiac and willing to talk about other’s. The best way to join them is to know some Chinese words of the zodiac. Let’s look at the words below:

12 signs of the zodiac

Symbol Latin name English translation


The Ram


The Bull


The Twins


The Crab


The Lion


The Maiden


The Scales


The Scorpion


The Archer




The Water-Bearer


The Fish


Aries: 3/21-4/20

Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 What's your astrological sign? 十二星座

The Ram: 白羊座 (Báiyánɡ zuò).  Bái in Chinese means white. And yánɡ means ram. Zuò is a shorter form of xīnɡzuò, which means constellation in Chinese.


Taurus: 4/21-5/21

Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 What's your astrological sign? 十二星座

The Bull: 金牛座 (Jīnniú zuò). Jīn means gold and niú is cattle, bull in Chinese.


Gemini: 5/22-6/21

Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 What's your astrological sign? 十二星座

The Twins: 双子座 (Shuānɡzǐ zuò). Shuāng means double, a pair of. Zǐ means child in ancient Chinese. The whole phrase means twins.


Cancer: 6/22-7/22

Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 What's your astrological sign? 十二星座

The Crab: 巨蟹座 (Jùxiè zuò). Jù is huge in Chinese. Xiè means crab. 


Leo: 7/23-8/23

Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 What's your astrological sign? 十二星座

The Lion: 狮子座 (Shīzi zuò). Shīzi means lion in Chinese.


Virgo: 8/24-9/23

Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 What's your astrological sign? 十二星座

The Maiden: 处女座 (Chúnǚ zuò). Chúnǚ means maiden.


Libra: 9/24-10/23

Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 What's your astrological sign? 十二星座

The Scales: 天秤座 (Tiānchènɡ zuò). Tiānchènɡ menas scales. But due to another Chinese word tiānpínɡ which also means scales, people sometimes call the Scales Tiānpínɡ zuò as well.


Scorpio: 10/24-11/22

Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 What's your astrological sign? 十二星座

The Scorpion: 天蝎座 (Tiānxiē zuò).  Tiān means sky and xiē means scorpion. So these two words together means scorpion in the sky….


Sagittarius: 11/23-12/21

Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 What's your astrological sign? 十二星座

The Archer: 射手座 (Shèshǒu zuò). Shèshǒu means the shooter in Chinese. 


Capricornus: 12/22-1/20

Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 What's your astrological sign? 十二星座

The Goat-horned: 摩羯座 (Mójié zuò).  Mójié means high goat in Chinese.


Aquarius: 1/21-2/19

Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 What's your astrological sign? 十二星座

The Water-Bearer: 水瓶座 (Shuǐpínɡ zuò). Shuǐ means water and pínɡ means bottle in Chinese. So the whole phrase means water bottles.


Pisces: 2/20-3/20

Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 What's your astrological sign? 十二星座

The Fish: 双鱼座 (Shuānɡyú zuò).  Shuānɡ means double and yú means fish.

Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 What's your astrological sign? 十二星座

How to talk about constellation with Chinese people?


1. What’s your astrological sign?


Nǐ shì shénme xīnɡzuò? ( xīnɡzuò: constellation)


2. I don’t believe horoscope.


Wǒ bù xiānɡxìn xīnɡzuò yùnshì. (xīnɡzuò yùnshì: horoscope)


3. I’m Capricornus.



Wǒ shì Mójié zuò.



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