Chinese Language

Results found with the tag ‘characters’ , 27 articles in total.

  • [Brief Intro] Chinese Language

    As one of the six official languages used by UN (United Nations), Chinese now has earned itself greater status in the World. The official language of China is the Mandarin (Standard Chinese).

    2016-09-20 09:37:30+0800
    知识 Chinese Language Mandarin Dialects Characters Minorities

  • [Characters] Learning to Write Chinese Characters

    Learning to write Chinese characters is one of the most difficult aspects of learning Mandarin Chinese. There are thousands of different characters, and the only way to learn them is by memorizat

    2016-04-28 09:40:44+0800
    language characters Chinese Radicals strokes

  • [Characters] The Most Strange & Hardest Characters Of All Time

    HK Newspaper Mingpao News (明报) found the 23 hardest Chinese characters selected from Kangxi Dictionary (康熙字典, the chinese dictionary edited in Qing dynasty). Few Chinese have seen these cha

    2015-09-22 13:36:11+0800

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese Character Too 太

    Today we are going to learn the Chinese character ”太”.

    2015-01-11 08:00:01+0800
    Chinese learn Chinese Characters character

  • [Characters] Cangjie Creating Chinese Characters仓颉造字

    About Chinese characters legend, there’s many kind of statements, but the most convincing is “Cangjie made the Chinese characters.” 关于汉字的传说有很多说法,但是最让人信服的却是“仓颉造字”一

    2013-04-02 09:27:09+0800
    Chinese Characters

  • [Characters] History of Chinese Characters 汉字的历史

    Chinese is the language with the largest number of users in the world.This article intruduced the Chinese characters history and developing.中文是世界上运用最多的一种语言。本文介绍了汉字的历史和

    2013-04-01 09:38:56+0800
    characters handwriting calligraphy

  • [Daily News] Tricycle Calligraphy

    Chinese characters are difficult. But some foreigners do love it. Can you imagine writing Chinese characters by tricycle?

    2013-03-10 06:00:01+0800
    characters handwriting calligraphy

  • [Characters] Write “从”(from) in Chinese character

    One character a day, easy to master Chinese characters. Let’s take a look at the basic knowledge of “从”.

    2013-02-05 10:00:00+0800
    Chinese characters 从 cóng

  • [Characters] Write “出”(go out; come out) in Chinese character

    One character a day, easy to master Chinese characters. Let’s take a look at the basic knowledge of “出”.

    2013-02-04 09:12:11+0800
    Chinese characters 出 chū

  • [Characters] Write “城”(city) in Chinese character

    One character a day, easy to master Chinese characters. Let’s take a look at the basic knowledge of “城”.

    2013-02-03 10:00:00+0800
    Chinese characters 城 chéng

  • [Characters] Write “冰”(ice) in Chinese character

    One character a day, easy to master Chinese characters. Let’s take a look at the basic knowledge of “冰”.

    2013-02-02 08:00:00+0800
    Chinese characters 冰 bīng

  • [Characters] Write “笔”(pen) in Chinese character

    One character a day, easy to master Chinese characters. Let’s take a look at the basic knowledge of “笔”.

    2013-02-01 09:26:29+0800
    Chinese characters 笔 b?

  • [Characters] Write “比”(compare;close to) in Chinese character

    One character a day, easy to master Chinese characters. Let’s take a look at the basic knowledge of “比”.

    2013-01-31 09:09:17+0800
    Chinese characters 比

  • [Characters] Write “本”( the root of a plant; foundation) in Chinese character

    One character a day, easy to master Chinese characters. Let’s take a look at the basic knowledge of “本”.

    2013-01-30 09:17:04+0800
    Chinese characters 本

  • [Movies&TV] 《汉字五千年》之八 芳华永驻


    2012-10-07 06:00:00+0800
    汉字五千年 纪录片 汉字 characters 芳华永驻 第八集

  • [Movies&TV] 《汉字五千年》之七 浴火重生


    2012-10-06 06:00:00+0800
    汉字五千年 纪录片 汉字 characters 浴火重生

  • [Movies&TV] 《汉字五千年》之六 天下至宝


    2012-10-05 06:00:00+0800
    汉字五千年 纪录片 汉字 characters 第七集 天下至宝

  • [Movies&TV] 《汉字五千年》之五 翰墨情怀


    2012-10-04 06:00:00+0800
    汉字五千年 纪录片 汉字 characters 翰墨情怀 第五集

  • [Movies&TV] 《汉字五千年》之四 华夏心灵


    2012-10-03 06:00:00+0800
    汉字五千年 纪录片 汉字 characters 第四集 霞光万道

  • [Movies&TV] 《汉字五千年》之三 霞光万道


    2012-10-02 06:00:00+0800
    汉字五千年 纪录片 汉字 characters 霞光万道 第三集

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