chī yī qiàn, zhǎng yī zhì
吃 一 堑, 长 一 智
吃 一 堑, 长 一 智
A fall in pit, a gain in your wit.
解释 ( paraphrase )
This proverb’s message is: Having gone through a setback, one will have gained experience and wisdom, which will be useful if only one can take warning and learn something from the setback.
吃: 在这里有遭受,经受的意思。
Here 吃 means to suffer, to experience.
堑(qiàn): 是隔断交通的沟,引申为挫折。
A ditch which cuts off traffic; here, by extension, it means a setback.
同义词 ( synonym )
造句 ( example )