Chinese Proverbs 道高一尺,魔高一丈

dào gāo yī chǐ, mó gāo yī zhàng
道 高 一 尺, 魔 高 一 丈

The law is strong, but the outlaws are ten times stronger.

解释 ( paraphrase )
这条谚语来源于佛教,用来告诫修行的人,道行的增高很不容易,而受到魔怪的诱惑丧失道行却很容易。 引申的意思是:成为一个好人需要经过很长时期的努力,变成一个坏人非常的快。

This proverb comes from Buddhism. It stresses that it is difficult to achieve goodness, which is easy to lose when the devil tempts us. The extended effort to become a good man, but one can easily learn to be a bad one.

The attainments of a Taoist priest.

造句 ( example )

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