Chinese Words Translation:ostrich 鸵鸟(tuó niǎo)

鸵鸟(tuó niǎo) ostrich

Usage Notes:

The ostrich is a large African bird that cannot fly but does run fast. It is said that when an ostrich encounters danger, it will bury its head into the sand because it believes that, by doing so, it cannot be found. But its rear end is still in plain sight, which makes it even more eye-catching. As such, the ostrich is a metaphor for escaping during times of difficulty.


鸵鸟 tuó niǎo:ostrich
非洲 Fēizhōu:African
奔跑 bēnpǎo:run
危险  wēixiǎn:danger
沙子 shāzi:sand
屁股 pìɡu:rear end

Example sentence:

Yùdào kùnnán shí ,tā jiù xiàng tuóniǎo yīyàng duǒ qǐ lái ,ér búshì jiějué wèntí.
1. 遇到困难时,他就像鸵鸟一样躲起来,而不是解决问题。
When faced with trouble, he will hide as an ostrich and not deal with the problem.

Dàiyǒu “tuóniǎo xīntài ”de rén ,dōu quēfá gǎibiàn de yǒngqì.
2. 带有“鸵鸟心态”的人,都缺乏改变的勇气。
People with “ostrich attitude” lack the courage to change.



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