Tell Me the Truth
Tell Me The Truth-by singing group JinXiu er Chongchang(glorious duet).
The main content is as follows: You fall in love with her and tell me you have never loved me.
I am so depressed.
Don’t you remember you have said to love me forever?
I beg you to tell me the truth.
我好沮丧 |
沮丧 dejected |
我爱的人撒谎 |
撒谎 lie |
你说不爱我 |
温柔 tender |
才爱上她 |
和变心不一样 |
变心 cease to be faithful |
敢问已经很傻 |
敢 dare |
还逼你要回答 |
逼 force |
只是我 |
真的不明白啊 |
明白 understand |
能不能不要怕 |
怕 afraid |
讲真话 |
真话 truth |
说不爱就不爱了吗 |
想要忘了就能不再想了吗 |
忘 forget |
爱凭感觉不念旧牵挂 |
念旧牵挂 keep past love in mind and care about |
爱永远比想的复杂 |
复杂 complicated |
说不爱就不爱了吗 |
最火热的一定是最好的吗 |
火热 keen |
那一次旅行 |
旅行 travel |
坐在星空下 |
星空 starry sky |
说着永恒的是谁啊 |
永恒 eternity |
你的眼光 |
眼光 eyesight |
有些疲倦迷茫 |
疲倦迷茫 tired and confused |
我想心再酸也别再讲 |
心酸 sadness |
沉默后又求你 |
沉默 silence |
讲真话 |