Flowery Steamed Bun

500 grams (1.1 lb) wheat flour
150 grams (0.33 lb) sugar
20 grams (2/3 oz) yeast (optional)
100 grams (0.22 lb) pork fat
5 grams (1 tsp) sweetened osmanthus sauce
1. Mix the yeast with the flour or use self-rising flour. Use 200 g (2/5 cup) of lukewarm water to turn the flour into dough and put aside for an hour.

2. Cut the pork fat into small cubes and mix with sugar and osmanthus syrup. Chop hte mixture into paste or make paste with a grinder.

3. Mix well and press the dough and make a long strip 5 cm (slightly under 2 inches) in diameter. Make two deep cuts with a knife on both sides of the long strip of dough and fill up the cuts with the paste. Reduce the dough into small pieces each weithing about 20 g (2/3 oz). Place them on hte tray of a steamer.

4. Put 2500 g(5 cups) of water in teh steamer and bring it to boil. Put the tray with the buns into the steamer and cook over high heat for 25 minutes and they are ready to eat.

Features: They have a beautiful appearance as the top shows a floer-like opening and soft to the taste.
Taste:Fragrant and sweet. 

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