Lesson 061 What Are You Going to Do Now?

M: Péngyǒumen, nǐmen, nǐ men hǎo! Huānyíng nǐmen dào Xiànzài xué Hànyǔ. Wǒ shì ML.
S: Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Stuart. A quick reminder, 听, 说, 然后, 猜一猜. Listen, speak, then, ránhòu, guess. We learn a lot of a foreign language by guessing the meaning from the context. That’s largely how young kids learn.
M: 没错 méicuò. The last lesson, 上一课 shàng yī kè, 我们吃饱了 wǒmen chī bǎole.
S: Duile, we were too full, 我们吃得太饱了 wǒmen chī de tài bǎole.
M: Stuart, you ate so much food. 你吃了那么多菜 nǐ chīle nàme duō cài. What’s the time? 几点了 jídiǎn le?
M: two o’clock. Liǎngdiǎn, liǎngdiǎn. What do you want to do now? 现在你想干什么 xiànzài nǐ xiǎng gàn shénme?
S: Wǒ hěn lèi. 我想睡觉 wǒ xiǎng shuìjiào.
M: Hao, you go sleep, 你去睡觉 nǐ qù shuìjiào. I’ll return home, 我回家 wǒ huí jiā.
S: Here’s what we said.
M: 上一课 shàng yī kè. The previous lesson. Shàng SHANG shàng here means ‘previous’. Yī Kè, a lesson, the previous lesson, shàng yī kè, shàng yī kè.
S: 我们吃的太饱了 wǒmen chīde tài bǎole. Wǒmen chī 的, we ate, tài bǎole, too full. We were too full, wǒmen chī de tài bǎole.
M: Stuart, you ate so much food. 你吃了那么多菜nème NAME DUO nème here means ‘that’, as in ‘that good!’ 那么好 nème hǎo. That bad! 那么坏! nàme huài.
S: Now, you guys at home try to say, ‘Right, I ate that much food!’ ….
M: 对了, 我吃了那么多菜, wǒ chīle nème duō cài.
S: 对, 太多了 too much, tài duōle. I’m a bit tired. 我有点累.
M: wǒ yǒu diǎn lèi. Literally, ‘I have a bit tired’, meaning, ‘I’m a bit tired’. Say it everybody, wǒ yóu diǎn lèi, wǒ yóu diǎn lèi.
S: What’s the time now? 现在是几点 xiànzài shì jídiǎn?
M: Now it’s two o’clock.. 现在是两点xiànzài shìliángdiǎn. What do you want to do? 你想干什么 ní xiǎng gàn shénme?
S: 我很累 wó hěn lèi. 我想睡觉
M: wó xiǎng. shuìjiào. SHUI JIAO shuìjiào, to ‘sleep’. Everybody feel sleepy and say, ‘I want to sleep’ ……
S: Hén Hǎo. Wó xiǎng shuìjiào, Wó xiǎng shuìjiào.
M: Hao, you go sleep, 你去睡觉 nǐ qùshuìjiào. I’ll return home, 我回家 wǒ huí jiā. huí HUI hui, means ‘return’. Jiā JIA jiā, is ‘home’. Huí jiā, return home.
S: So ML’s off home, tā huí jiā le. So we’ll xiàkè, finish class, xiàkè. Zài jiàn. 

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