Lesson 127 I Want to Hear Our Story.

M: Péngyoumen. Nǐmen hǎo! Huan1ying2 shou1ting1 Xiànzài Xuú Hànyǔ. Wǒ shì ML.

S: Wǒ shìStuart. ML, 你紧张吗?

M: Wǒ hěn jǐnzhāng.

S: Nǐ wèi shénme jǐnzhāng?

M: Because I want to hear our story. 因为我想听我们的故事.

S: 我们的故事 our story, wǒmen de gùshi. No problem méi wèntí. First, Chapter five again, 第五章; then, rànhòu, chapter 6, dìliù zhāng. ML, you read dì wǔ zhāng.

M: Ok. The cat ran into a room and shut the door. 那只猫跑进房间,关上门. It thought, it’s not dangerous here. So I’m not nervous. 它想,这里不危险了,所以,我不紧张 tā xiǎng, zhèlǐ bù wēixiǎn le, suǒyǐ, wǒ bù jīnzhāng.

S: Chapter 6. Dì liù zhāng. Those two big dogs said, ‘come out, come out’! 那两只大狗说, 出来吧,出来吧 nà liǎng zhī dà gǒu shuō, chū lái ba, chū lái ba.

M: And then what happened? Find out after our revision lesson.

M: The suspense is killing me, Stuart. But I suppose we should look at the new stuff before continuing our gùshi, story.
S: Wǒ tóngtì. ML said:

M: 那只猫跑进房间,关上门.  跑进 pǎo run pǎo. 进JIN jìn here means ‘enter’ jìn. pǎojìn fángjiān, ‘run into room’, or, in this story, ‘ran into a room’, and, 关上门 ‘closed the door’.

S: guān mén, of course, means ‘close door’. The shàng after the guān indicates successful completion of an action. The simplest way of saying ‘ML, close the door’ is ML, guān mén.

M: After it’s closed, I can say. 我关上门了 wǒ guān shang mén le, or simply, 门关上了mén guān shang le.

S: Continuing, 那只猫想,这里不危险了。

M:What does zhèlǐ bù wēixiǎn mean? Méi cuò, here’s not dangerous. Zhèlǐ bù wēixiǎn. 所以,我不紧张 so, I’m not nervous. Say it with me, suǒyǐ, wǒ bù jǐnzhāng.

S: 那两只大狗说, 出来吧,出来吧.

M: chū lái ba, ‘come out’. The little ba indicates a friendly suggestion, or request, like in ‘speak’, 说吧 shuō ba, or, ‘eat’ 吃吧 chī ba.

S: Now everybody say with ML, the two large dogs said, ‘come out, come out’!

M: Hěn hǎo. 那两只大狗说, 出来吧,出来吧 nà liǎng zhī dà gǒu shuō, chū lái ba, chū lái ba.

S: And we’ll finish with chapters 5 and 6, at nearly full speed. Ready, begin!Zhǔn bèi, kāishǐ.

M: 那只猫跑进房间,关上门. Nà zhī māo pǎo jìn fángjiān, guān shang mén它想,这里不危险了,所以,我不紧张 tā xiǎng, zhèlǐ bù wēixiǎn le, suǒyǐ, wǒ bù jǐnzhāng.

S: 那两只大狗说, 出来吧,出来吧 nà liǎng zhī dà gǒu3 shuō, chū lái ba, chū lái ba.

M: Ok, now I can say to Stuart, Go 走吧 zǒu ba.

S: Hǎo, wǒmen zǒu. Zài jiàn.

M: Zài jiàn!

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