Let’s learn Mandarin Fractions 我们一起学习中文的分数

Mandarin fractions has a lot of ways to say. So today we can learn some Mandarin Fractions.

Parts of a Whole
Divisional fractions and percentages are stated as “XX parts of YY,” with YY being the whole.

An example of this in English is:

two parts of three (two thirds)
The construction of this phrase is YY fēn zhī XX. Note that the number representing the whole comes at the beginning:

2/3:sān fēn zhī èr – two parts of three
1/2:One Half
One-half can be stated as either yī bàn (一半) or as above:èr fēn zhī yī – one part of two

The same construction is used for percentages:

bǎi fēn zhī XX – XX parts of one hundred (XX%)
Examples of Fractions and Percentages
bǎi fēn zhī èr shí

bǎi fēn zhī wǔ

sì fēn zhī sān

shí liù fēn zhī shí yī
Decimal Fractions
Fractions can also be stated as decimals.

The decimal point in Mandarin decimal fractions is stated as diǎn (點 trad. 点 simp.)

If the number begins with the decimal point, it can optionally be prefaced with líng (zero). Each digit of the decimal fraction is stated individually.

Examples of Decimal Fractions
yī diǎn sān
一點三 (trad)
一点三 (simp)

ling diǎn wǔ liù qī sì
零點五六七四 (trad)
零点五六七四 (simp)
Test Your Knowledge

Now that you've mastered Mandarin fractions, take the Mandarin Fraction Quiz to test your knowledge. Mandarin fractions can be expressed either as divisions of a whole (half, quarter, etc.) or as decimal fractions. 

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