每日一词:绕口令(ràokǒulìng)tongue twister

绕口令(ràokǒulìng)tongue twister

“绕口令(ràokǒulìng)” is a kind of language game. It is composed by the words or phrases that have the similar pronunciations or tones. “绕口令(ràokǒulìng)” is supposed to be read fairly quickly without any pause in between and thus people who speak lispingly tend to pronounce it wrongly. Here is a Chinese tongue twister serving as an example, “扁担长,板凳宽,板凳没有扁担长,扁担没有板凳宽。扁担要绑在板凳上,板凳偏不让扁担绑在板凳上(biǎndàn cháng,bǎndèng kuān,bǎndèng méiyǒu biǎndàn cháng,biǎndàn méiyǒu bǎndèng kuān. Biǎndàn yào bǎng zài bǎndèng shàng,bǎndèng piān bú rang biǎndàn bǎng zài bǎndèng shàng).

1、Duì wàiguó liúxuéshēng láishuō, zhè duàn ràokǒulìng tài nán le.
This tongue twister is too difficult for foreign students.

2、Wèi le shàng tái yǎnchū ,tā huā le hěn cháng shíjiān liànxí ràokǒulìng.
For the show, he spent a lot of time practicing tongue twisters.


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