The content of Nanpi Laozi mostly expresses the love and life. It often perform during the period of the Spring Festival to express people’s joyous feelings of welcoming a new year and celebrating the good harvest.
The roles of Nanpi Laozi(南皮落子Nánpí làozǐ) are “whip”, “board” and “pan”. The “whip” is man’s movement, while the “board” and “pan” are woman’s. Laozi also divides into the civil one and military one. The civil one is also called “Xiao Fengliu”. When it is performed, people sing and dance with the continuous folk songs that are more than 30 pieces. And the most used are Flying a Kite and Jasmine etc. The “whip”, “board” and “pan” perform in turn and sometimes only the “pan”, which is more natural. The military one developed from the civil one and is also called “Strong Wind Yangko”, which is perform by “whip” and “board”. Because Nanpi Laozi adopts the features of folks martial arts and operas, it is enthusiastic, high and joyous(means extremely happy) when it is performing.