Origin of Pasting Door Gods 贴门神的由来

In ancient times, households pasted door gods on the door during the Spring Festival to express auspicious wishes and to ward off evil demons and devils.
关于门神的来历,有这样一个传说:东海度朔山中,有一棵盘曲3000 里的巨大的桃树,其枝伸向东北方的鬼门,所有的鬼怪来往皆从此出入。树下有二神,一名神荼,一名郁櫑,专门监视鬼的行为,发现哪个鬼胡作非为,便用草绳捆起来喂老虎吃。于是,人们就在两块桃板上,画上神荼和郁櫑的像。置以门侧,以御百鬼骚扰。这是传说中最早出现的门神形象。
There is a legend about door gods. There was a huge giant peach tree on Mount Du Shuo in East Sea, which branches stretched to 3000 li. The branches spread to the Door of Ghosts in the northeast through which millions of demons and devils past. Two gods were Shen Shu and Yu Lei guarded under the tree. They would catch, bind those misbehavior evils, and throw them to the tigers. So, people drew the images of Shen Shu and Yu Lei on beach boards and placed on the door sides to keep out evils. Shen Shu and Yu Lei are the earliest images of door gods.
As time went by, door gods kept changes. In the Tang Dynasty, the door gods changed to Qin Qiong and Yuchi Jingde. It is said that Li Shimin, the Emperor of Taizong of Tang Dynasty had a nightmare and got sick. He frequently heard ghost yelling at the midnight. Officials recommended two founding generals, Qin Qiong and Yuchi Jinde to guard the door armed with weapons. Li Shimin was recovered after several days. Then, he ordered to draw the portraits of Qin Qiong and Yuchi Jinde and put them up on the door to ward off devils. This practice was soon spread among the people. Later, door gods have new images. People put the pictures of Qin Qiong and Yuchi Jingde, also other sages on the door to welcome guests, while paste the image of Zhong Kui, an expert of catching ghosts on the top of back door. Both back and front doors are guarded to ward off ghosts.

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