声 调│Tones

声 调 Tones


Among the components of a Chinese syllable, there is the tone besides the initial and the final .Altogether there are four tones:

第一声   the first tone  高调  the high tone
第二声     the second tone  升调  the rising tone
第三声   the third tone  低调  the low tone
第四声  the fourth tone  降调  the falling tone


书写时分别用ˉ、ˊ、ˇ、ˋ四种调号标在音节的主要元音(即开口度大、最响的音)上, 如:

In writing, we use the tone marks ˉ,ˊ,ˇ,ˋ on the main vowel (the one pronounced the loudest and with the mouth widest open), g .

m m m m (mother, hemp, horse, to curse)
i i i i (dust, cancer, dwarf, love)
qi ng qi ng qi ng qi ng (pistol, wall, to snatch,

to irritate respiratory organs)

tū tú tǔ tù (to push, dispirited, leg, to retreat)


Syllables with same initials and finals but in different tones usually have different meanings .


The tone is the variation of one s pitch . If we draw a vertical line to represent the range of the variation of one s pitch and divide it into four equal parts from the low end upward with five points, then 1, 2,3, 4, 5 represent the low, middleHow, middle, middle-high and high pitch respectively . See the chart below:

5 高    high

4 半高  middle-high

3 中    middle

2 半低  middle-low

1 低 low

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