声 调 Tones
Among the components of a Chinese syllable, there is the tone besides the initial and the final .Altogether there are four tones:
第一声 the first tone | 高调 the high tone |
第二声 the second tone | 升调 the rising tone |
第三声 the third tone | 低调 the low tone |
第四声 the fourth tone | 降调 the falling tone |
书写时分别用ˉ、ˊ、ˇ、ˋ四种调号标在音节的主要元音(即开口度大、最响的音)上, 如:
In writing, we use the tone marks ˉ,ˊ,ˇ,ˋ on the main vowel (the one pronounced the loudest and with the mouth widest open), g .
m m m m | (mother, hemp, horse, to curse) |
i i i i | (dust, cancer, dwarf, love) |
qi ng qi ng qi ng qi ng | (pistol, wall, to snatch,
to irritate respiratory organs) |
tū tú tǔ tù | (to push, dispirited, leg, to retreat) |
Syllables with same initials and finals but in different tones usually have different meanings .
The tone is the variation of one s pitch . If we draw a vertical line to represent the range of the variation of one s pitch and divide it into four equal parts from the low end upward with five points, then 1, 2,3, 4, 5 represent the low, middleHow, middle, middle-high and high pitch respectively . See the chart below:
5 高 high
4 半高 middle-high
3 中 middle
2 半低 middle-low
1 低 low