守株待兔 Shŏuzhūdàitù

Trust to chance and luck in one’s actions; hope for gains without pains

守株待兔 Shŏuzhūdàitù

Idiom Story:

Yŏu gè nóngfū zhòng zhe jĭ mŭ dì. Yì tiān, tā zài dìlĭ gànhuó, hūrán kànjiàn yì
zhī tùzi fēi bēn guòlái, zhuàng zài shù shàng jiù sĭ le. Tā jiăn qĭ tùzi, gāo xìng dì
shuō:" zhēn shì yì diăn jìn méi fèi, bái jiăn le gè dà piányi, huíqù kéyĭ mĕi mĕi dì
chī shàng yí dùn le." Cóngcĭ, tā tiān tiān zuò zài nà kē dàshù xià dĕng zhe tùzi lái
zhuàng sĭ. Tā dĕng ya dĕng ya, zhí dĕng dào dìlĭ de zhuāngjia dōu huāng le, lián yí
gè tùzi yĕ méiyŏu. Rénmen yòng tā lái bĭyù bù xiăng nŭlì, ér xīwàng huò dé
chénggōng de jiăoxìng xīnlĭ.

English Translation:
One day, a farmer worked in his field. Suddenly, he sawa hare running toward and hit on a tree, died. He said happily:"Great! I will have a delicious dinner."From that day, he sit under the tree to wait hares hitting on the tree. But until the field was waste, there were no fares coming. The story tells us that you must work, then you can gain something.

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