Pulse light-wave therapy is one of the most effective skincare techniques – it safely and effectively reduces a variety of skin conditions, like sunspots(sunspots are dark cool patches that appear on the surface of the sun and last for about a week), age spots and broken capillaries(capillaries are tiny blood vessels in your body). This non-invasive treatment stimulates collagen and elastin, improving the skin’s texture and tone while reducing wrinkles, small veins, puffiness and acne. The therapeutic benefit of increased circulation helps flush out toxins from skin cells and the lymphatic system(淋巴系统línbā xìtǒng). Includes a light facial, and finishes with a moisturizer(a moisturizer is a cream that you put on your skin to make it feel softer and smoother).
This goes way beyond the simple pleasures of relaxation. All the therapists are very professional and careful about ensuring your comfort and modesty.
A 30-minute treatment concentrates specifically on the most common areas of stress, like the neck, shoulders, and back.
Stone Massage
Smooth, heated black basalt stones are integrated into a therapeutic massage resulting in a deeply relaxing treatment. The placement of the stones on sore spots helps penetrate deeper to melt away tension and ease pain in fatigued muscles.
Body polish and glow
The ultimate head-to-toe skin exfoliation treatment! This body scrub, consisting of sea salt and natural & essential oils, helps to increase circulation, stimulate the lymphatic system and eliminate toxins. It enhances skin conditions and unsightly bumps, usually on the sides of arms. Your skin will never have felt so good!
The Beauty(红颜hóngyán) is really more than skin deep – true beauty has more to do with an inner light that shines.
Try a day spa – some professional Yoga clubs offer meditation techniques, hypnotherapy and guided visualization to help relieve stress, create deep relaxation and focus your mind toward attracting wealth, love, creativity, motivation, and inner peace.