The “Dragon” in The Five Types”龙”之五行属性

Almost everying in chinese traditional culture has its type charactered by the five types which encloud metal, water, wood, fire and earth. The quality of each types have a significant impact on the dragon's individuality.

METAL DRAGON – 1880, 1940, 2000

This type could well be the most strong-willed of the Dragons. Honesty and integrity are paramount virtues to him and although he may be bright, open and expressive, he is also unbending and critical.

Action-oriented and combative, he will seek out and motivate those on his own level of intelligence or social standing. He has little patience with the lazy and the foolish. Unpliable Metal combined with his natural lunar sign, Wood, will also enable him to intimidate weaker beings into submitting to his will. Otherwise, he is the magnificent warrior at his best.

He is tremendously intense and will stake his life on his convictions. It is futile to try to convince him that certain things just cannot be done. This type of Dragon will try to exorcise whatever evil he sees in life and could be fanatical regarding his convictions and moral beliefs.

When he is negative, he will have exaggerated views of his own importance. He is a bit short on diplomacy and has the habit of going it alone if others disagree with him or refuse to accept his leadership.

The strong Metal Dragon will rush in where angels fear to tread. He will succeed because he will give himself no other recourse. He burns his bridges behind him so that he cannot turn back once he attacks.

WATER DRAGON – 1892, 1952, 2012

A less imperious type of Dragon who favors optimum growth and expansion. He can put aside his ego for the good of all and is less selfish and opinionated. An inhibited but progressive person, he tries hard not to be as conspicuous as other power-hungry Dragons. Neither is he going to be labeled as the conciliatory one. He can assume a wait-and-see attitude and his wits are as formidable as his strength of will.

The Water Dragon lives by the to-thine-own-self-be-true philosophy and will not seek revenge on those who choose to go the opposite way. democratic and liberal-minded, he can accept defeat or rejection without bitterness.

Water is calming and beneficial to his lunar sign and he will know how to act wisely and do what is essential for his progress. He is quick and reliable and is capable of marketing his ideas with untiring devotion. He is likely to be successful as a negotiator, as he knows when, where and how to apply force.

His main drawback is that he may be like an overoptimistic builder who forgets to reinforce the foundation. By trying to hold on to too much he may lose everything. He must learn to make difficult choices and to relinquish whatever is unfeasible or unnecessary. This way, he will be able to devote his energies to fewer but more rewarding endeavors.

WOOD DRAGON – 1904, 1964, 2024

A creative and magnanimous type of Dragon capable of developing bright, new revolutionary concepts. Wood combined with his sign makes him good at formulating and implementing his ideas and working cooperatively with others, even if he may be a bit condescending on occasions.

Gifted with an exploratory nature, the Wood Dragon loves to look into cause and effect theories; his every action will be guided by sound logic. However, he also has a tendency to overinvestigate subjects or to submit people to endless debate when he is faced with opposition.

Nonetheless, here is a generous Dragon who is amendable to taking the middle road; who tries to offend as few people as possible; who subtly conceals his domineering ways. The Wood element produces a less fierce and unreasonable variety of Dragons who will compromise when he sees it is to his advantage. Still, as a Dragon, he will ultimately have to relate everything to his oversize ego and will condescend to change only when he is sure of the benefits to himself.

Not as vindictive or self-centered as Dragons of the other elements, he will still be outspoken, proud and fearless when challenged.

FIRE DRAGON – 1916, 1976, 2036

The most righteous, outgoing and competitive of all Dragons, the Fire Dragon will expect a lot from everyone. But while he may be demanding and aggressive, he is also blessed with enormous energy and has a lot to offer in return. The trouble is that he may go around with an air of superiority plus authority and make people fear or shy away from him. His leadership qualities are often marred by his desire to be treated like the Messiah. Fire matched with his forceful lunar sign will give him overzealous and dictatorial inclinations. He pushes too hard even where there is little resistance.

In reality, he is an open and humane person given to impartiality and uncovering the truth at all costs. His criticisms are objective and he has the power to arouse the masses with his vibrant personality. A natural empire builder, he will look toward the supreme order of things, with himself at the helm, of course.

Because the Fire Dragon is often enveloped by insatiable personal ambition, he is short-tempered, inconsiderate and unable to put up with anything less than perfection. He also overgeneralizes or jumps to conclusions, frequently lumping people into categories without allowing for or even perceiving their individual differences.}

Nonetheless, here is a performer of the highest degree who could easily be a source of inspiration to his fellowman and a personality who will catch the public eye – when he learns to master his negative traits and communicate more humbly with others.

EARTH DRAGON – 1868, 1928, 1988

This sociable, executive-type Dragon will have a compulsive drive to control his environment and the people who surround him. As a Dragon, he is bound to be autocratic and it would be folly to expect less. However, he will be fair and appreciative of other people's opinions, even if he doesn't agree with them. Earth makes him realistic, stable and, oftentimes, even a bit impersonal.

Although not as severe as the other Dragons, he will still have the basic urge to subjugate others. But he will approach problems with reason and his leadership is less dictatorial. He works incessantly to develop his talents and exploit his resources.

The Earth Dragon's self-control does not mean that he is lacking in initiative. It's just that the Earth element influences him to be unhurried and his aspirations are more liable to be solid and uncluttered.

Straight as a rod, this aristocratic Dragon is quiet, strong and brave. Given to reflection and organization, his outbursts of temper will be few, nor will he demean himself by arguing with those beneath him when he is angered. However, he will retaliate quickly once his dignity is offended.

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