The Era of Being Something-ed

Results found with the tag ‘Chinese idioms’ , 112 articles in total.

  • [Customs] The Era of Being Something-ed

    被(bèi),on its own, it’s a boring, functional word—a particle for passive voice sentences; it can also mean “blanket.” Yet events this year made it surprisingly popular.

    2016-07-12 09:35:21+0800
    Chinese words learn Chinese Chinese idioms

  • [Customs] Choose a good Girl’s Name is very important

    In China,the old saying goes, have a good name, have a good fate. Chinese people always think that it’s great important to choose a good Girl’s names. A good name of the girl is thought to be

    2013-11-23 11:00:00+0800
    Chinese study Chinese Chinese idioms

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms:八仙过海各显神通Bā xiān ɡuò hǎi ɡè xiǎn shén tōnɡ

    learning Chinese is so interesting.八仙过海各显神通 means each person trying their best, for all one’s worth now.

    2013-05-17 09:00:00+0800
    learn Chinese Chinese idioms 成语

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms: 叶公好龙(Yègōnghàolóng )

    叶公好龙 is always used to satirize those who always claim their liking for something but actually they really don’t know what they are fond of.常用来讽刺那些只是口头上说喜欢,其实对其并不了解,

    2013-04-19 09:00:01+0800
    learn Chinese Chinese idiom 成语 叶公好龙 Chinese idioms

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms: 舌战群儒shézhàn-qúnrú

    “舌战群儒”means one person argues with many people and gains victory in the end.“舌战群儒”是指一个人跟很多人辩论,并取得最后的胜利。

    2013-04-18 09:00:01+0800
    learn Chinese Chinese idiom 成语 舌战群儒 Chinese idioms

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms: 投鼠忌器Tóu Shǔ Jì Qì

    投鼠忌器means, when you throw stones at a rat, beware of the vase. It is a metaphor of holding back from taking action against sb. for fear of injuring others.投鼠忌器想用东西打老鼠,又怕打坏了近

    2013-04-17 09:00:00+0800
    learn Chinese Chinese idiom 成语 投鼠忌器 Chinese idioms

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms: 南辕北辙nán yuán běi zhé

    南辕北辙(nán yuán běi zhé), this idiom “nán yuán běi zhé“ means wanting to south and the car is to the north. Metaphor action and purpose is just the opposite.

    2013-04-16 15:56:32+0800
    learn Chinese Chinese idiom 成语 南辕北辙 Chinese idioms

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms: 世外桃源(Shìwài Táoyuán)

    “世外桃源”originally referred to a utopia, or an ideal state of living peacefully in isolation from real society.

    2013-04-14 09:00:01+0800
    learn Chinese Chinese idioms 成语 世外桃源

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms: 悬梁刺股(Xuánliáng-cìgǔ)

    “悬梁刺股(Xuánliáng-Cìgǔ)” describes somebody working very hard and grinding away at his studies.

    2013-04-13 09:00:00+0800
    learn Chinese Chinese idioms 成语 悬梁刺股

  • [Characters] Chinese idioms:杞人忧天Qǐrén Yōu Tiān

    杞人忧天 means that a man lived in Qi worried about the sky would fall down. It refers to unnecessary or groundless worries and anxieties.

    2013-04-12 09:43:35+0800
    learn Chinese Chinese idioms 成语 杞人忧天

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms:初生牛犊不怕虎Chū shēng niú dú bù pà hǔ

    Learning Chinese idioms is so interesting. 初生牛犊不怕虎 means newborn calves are not afraid of the tiger.

    2013-04-11 09:44:33+0800
    learn Chinese Chinese idiom 成语 初生牛犊不怕虎 Chinese idioms

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms:暗送秋波àn sònɡ qiū bō

    Learning Chinese is so interesting. 暗送秋波means to convey ones love by stealing a look.

    2013-04-10 09:39:45+0800
    learn Chinese Chinese idioms 成语 暗送秋波

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms:双管齐下 Shuāng guān qí xià

    Learning Chinese idoms is so interesting.双管齐下,its original meaning was to paint with two brushes, one in each hand. Now its used as a metaphor for a two-pronged approach.

    2013-04-09 09:34:45+0800
    learning Chinse Chinese idioms 成语 双管齐下

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms : 走马观花 Zǒu mǎ guān huā

    Learning Chinese is so interesting. 走马观花means to have a cursory observation or inattentively go through the motions of doing something.

    2013-04-08 09:40:10+0800
    learn Chinese Chinese idioms 成语 走马观花

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms: 三顾茅庐(Sān gù máolú)

    Learning Chinese idoms is so interesting.三顾茅庐 refers to Liu Bei asking Zhuge Liang to help him three times. It’s often used as a metaphor to describe when a person sincerely invites somebody

    2013-04-07 09:00:01+0800
    learn Chinese Chinese idioms 成语 三顾茅庐

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms: 鸡鸣狗盗 Jī Míng Gǒu Dào

    Learning Chinese idoms is so interesting.鸡鸣狗盗is to crow like a cock and steal like a dog. It is used as a figure of speech to describe trivial skills or tricks. It also refers to the behavior

    2013-04-06 09:00:01+0800
    learn Chinese Chinese idioms 成语 鸡鸣狗盗

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms: 爱屋及乌ài wū jí wū

    Chinese idioms are so interesting. Let’s learn a new idioms:爱屋及乌. It means that love me, love my dog.

    2013-04-05 09:00:01+0800
    learn Chinese Chinese idiom 成语 爱屋及乌 Chinese idioms

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms: 举案齐眉jǔ àn qí méi

    let’s learning new idioms:举案齐眉(jǔ àn qí méi).It means to hold the tray up to the eyebrows.

    2013-04-04 09:00:01+0800
    learn Chinese Chinese idioms 成语 举案齐眉

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms:退避三舍Tuìbì Sānshè

    Learning Chinese idoms is so interesting.“退避三舍”(Tuìbì Sānshè) means to retreat to avoid a conflict.

    2013-04-03 09:00:00+0800
    learn Chinese Chinese dioms 成语 拔苗助长 Chinese idioms

  • [Vocabulary] Chinese idioms:亡羊补牢 (Wáng Yáng Bǔ Láo)

    羊丢失了之后再去修羊圈,还不算晚。比喻人们一旦犯了错误,立即改正,就能减少错误。As long as we seek to remedy what we have done wrong, we’ll be able to avoid similar mistakes in the future.

    2012-12-04 17:55:07+0800
    learnChinese 成语 亡羊补牢 中国成语 idioms Chinese idioms

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