Pinyin: dà mǎn guàn
Meaning: grand slam
Sentence: Li na won her second grand slam champion in australia open.李娜在澳大利亚网球公开赛上赢得了她的第二个大满贯冠军。
Pinyin: dà
Meaning: big
Radical: 大
Stokes: 3
Common words/Phrase:
大巴 [dà bā] 【bus;omnibus】
ink9″>大把 [dà bǎ] 【host of;by bulk】
大便 [dà biàn] 【defecate;shit】
大兵 ink7″>[dà bīng] 【large troops】
大饼 [dà bǐng] 【a kind of large flatbread】
Pinyin: mǎn
Meaning: full
Radical: 氵
Stokes: 13
Traditional: 滿
Common words/Phrase:
满舵 [mǎn duò] 【full rudder】
满额 [mǎn é] 【fulfil the quota】
满帆 [mǎn fān] 【crowd】
满贯 [mǎn guàn] 【slam in gambling】
满口 [mǎn kǒu] 【mouthful】
Pinyin: guàn
Meaning: a string of 1,000 cash
Radical: 贝
Stokes: 8
Traditional: 貫
Common words/Phrase:
贯彻 [guàn chè] 【carry out;go through with;bring it off】
贯穿 [guàn chuān] 【penetrate;be permeated from beginning to end】
贯串 [guàn chuàn] 【link up】
贯气 [guàn qì] 【good luck】
贯通 [guàn tōng] 【have a thorough knowledge of】