Pinyin: lǐ fà
Meaning:Haircut; barber
Sentence: 我昨天在理发店里理了发。I had my hair cut at the barber’s yesterday.
Pinyin: lǐ
Meaning: Logic; science; reason; inner principle or structure
Radical: 王
Stokes: 11
Traditional: 理
Common words/Phrase:
理解 [lǐ jiě] 【understanding】
理论 [lǐ lùn] 【theory】
理财 [lǐ cái] 【financing】
理由 [lǐ yóu] 【reason】
理想 [lǐ xiǎng] 【ideal】
Pinyin: fā, fà
Meaning: Send out; give out; distribute; deliver; issue
Radical: 又
Stokes: 5
Traditional: 發
Common words/Phrase:
发牌 [fā pái] 【deal cards】
发榜 [fā bǎng] 【announce the list of successful candidates】
发苞 [fā bāo] 【put forth buds】
发送 [fā sòng] 【to transmit】
发展 [fā zhǎn] 【development】