Pinyin: liàn gōng
Meaning:Practise one’s skill
Sentence: 练功者终身都要坚持,叫“拳不离子,曲不离口”。The practitioners of wushu should persevere all their lives. It is a Chinese saying:" practice boxing and singing all the time."
Pinyin: liàn
Meaning: To practice; to train
Radical: 纟
Stokes: 8
Traditional: 練
Common words/Phrase:
练习 [liàn xí] 【exercise; drill; practice】
练功 [liàn gōng] 【practise one’s skill】
练兵 [liàn bīng] 【drill troops】
练声 [liàn shēng] 【vocalize】
练就 [liàn bīng] 【train】
Pinyin: gōng
Meaning: Merit; service; result; achievement; accomplishment
Radical: 力
Stokes: 5
Traditional: 功
Common words/Phrase:
功能 [gōng néng] 【function】
功率 [gōng lǜ] 【power】
功夫 [gōng fu] 【kungfu】
功效 [gōng xiào] 【efficacy】
功课 [gōng kè] 【classwork】