Pinyin: luǒ hūn
Meaning: naked marriage
Sentence: It is such a custom that tying the knot with a man who doesn’t own a property is known as a ‘naked wedding’.这里的习俗是,和一个无房的男人同结连理称作“裸婚”。
Pinyin: luǒ
Meaning: naked
Radical: 衤
Stokes: 13
Traditional: 裸
Common words/Phrase:
裸露 [luǒ lù] 【bare;naked;uncovered;exposed】
ink9″>裸体 [luǒ tǐ] 【naked;nude; sky-clad; in one’s birthday suit】
裸线 [luǒ xiàn] 【bare wire; exposed wire】
裸子植物 ink7″>[luǒ zǐ zhí wù] 【gymnosperm】
Pinyin: hūn
Meaning: marriage
Radical: 女
Stokes: 11
Traditional: 婚
Common words/Phrase:
婚变 [hūn biàn] 【divorce or separation】
婚假 [hūn jià] 【wedding leave】
婚嫁 [hūn jià] 【marriage;wedding】
婚礼 [hūn lǐ] 【wedding ceremony】
婚约 [hūn yuē] 【contract to marry;engagement】