Pinyin: qiū kù
Meaning:A kind of knitted long underpants that can keep one warm
Sentence: 今天还很暖和,你却已经穿了一个星期的秋裤。It’s still warm today, but you’ve already been wearing the long underpants for a week!
Pinyin: qiū
Meaning: Autumn; fall
Radical: 禾
Stokes: 9
Traditional: 鞦
Common words/Phrase:
秋天 [qiū tiān] 【autumn】
秋季 [qiū jì] 【autumn】
秋千 [qiū qiān] 【swing】
秋水 [qiū shuǐ]【limpid eyes】
秋色 [qiū sè] 【autumn scenery】
Pinyin: kù
Meaning: Pants; trousers
Radical: 衤
Stokes: 12
Traditional: 褲
Common words/Phrase:
裤子 [kù zi] 【pants】
裤衩 [kù chǎ] 【underpants】
裤裆 [kù dāng] 【seat of trousers】
裤脚 [kù jiǎo] 【bottom of trousers】
裤腰 [kù yāo] 【top of trousers】