One character a day, easy to master Chinese characters. Let's take a look at the basic knowledge of "看".
看 kàn | |
Explanation:look at; watch; see | |
Phrases:看病(kàn bìng) (of a patient) to see a doctor ; 看法(kàn fǎ) view | |
“看”字有两部分组成,上半部是一只手( ),下半部是一只眼( ),画的是一个人把手放在眼睛之上,观看四周景物。 | |
This character is a combination of two parts: the upper is a hand ( ), and the lower part is an eye ( ), meaning that man raises his hand above his eyes to look into the distance. |
1.Wǒ xiàwǔ yào qù zhěnliáosuǒ kànbìng.
I will go to the clinic to see the doctor this afternoon.
2.Nǐ de kànfǎ tài guòyú qiǎnbiǎo.
Your perspectives are much too simple and superficial.