
“Beijing Maned Figure” was originated at the end of Qing Dynasty and now has a history of over 100 years. It came into being by borrowing the elements from the Shadow Play and Peking Opera. The distinctive art combines the concepts of Peking Opera culture, physics and mechanics.
The maned figure is about 9-16 cm high. The body is made of sorghum straws dressed in costume made of colored paper (or colored silk). The inner side of the body is filled with some cotton. The head and base of the figure use the plaster with the perimeter of the base pasted with 2 to 3 cm-long bristles. The face of the figure can be made into that of different figures in stories. After decorating the costume, it will become a vivid maned figure. Striking the side of the copper plate, the figure on the plate, due to the elastic force produced by bristles, will dance. The Beijing people in the past called it “figure on the copper plate” or “on-plate play”.
To understand how the century-old folk art is made, the journalist interviewed with Mr. Bai Dacheng, who is the only folk artist making the maned figures and the inheritor of “Beijing Maned Figure”.

Beijing maned figure was originated at the end of Qing Dynasty
Mr. Bai: The traceable history shows that the maned figure was first made at the end of Qing Dynasty over 100 years ago. The image of maned figure often comes from the Chinese operas. As a result, the maned figure belongs to the scope of Chinese folk art. In early days, the maned figure was influenced by Peking Opera and Shadow Play. The characters of maned figure are those in Peking Operas and its shape was mostly influenced by that in the Shadow Play. The maned figure has the cone-shaped body with flat arms. In the middle of the maned figure is an iron wire so that the arm can move just as the characters in the Shadow Play. When performing on the copper plate, they are just like the fighting characters in the opera.
Of all the Chinese folk art works, the maned figure is the only dynamic one. The Clay Figure, Dough Figure and Hairy Monkey can only be appreciated in the static posture. But the maned future cannot just be enjoyed statically, but also played as toys.
I began to learn how to make maned figure at the end of 1950s. Mr. Wang Hanqing is the second-generation maker and I am a third-generation one. The maned figure artists, to ensure their living, often keep the production skills a secret. So do the Wang-family makers of maned figure. At that time in Beijing, the maned figure maker Wang had already had some fame.
The Wang-family maned figure had the costumes made of color paper and the head made of clay. Such production process ensures their products to be affordable by the common people.

The maned figure maker Bai learned the skill from the Wang-family maned figure makers
Mr. Bai: Actually, Mr. Wang Hanqing was the second-generation maker of maned figure. In the 1950s when Beijing was just liberated, folk arts had been impacted seriously by the wars. In the old days, the artists sold these art works mainly at temple fairs such as those in Longfu Temple, Baita Temple and Temple Housing the God of Earth. However, due to the wars, they could not get money by selling these art works. So Mr. Wang decided to quit and started to live on repairing radios. As a result, the production of maned figure came to a pause at that time.
In 1955, Mr. Li Cunsong from the National Art Museum of China probed into the folk arts in Beijing, and he once came to Mr. Wang Hanqing and asked him to make the maned figure. In 1959, I asked for leave from Aviation Industry School due to some health problem. Nurtured by the family, I loved Peking Opera, Chinese paintings and oil paintings. Besides, I am also skilled in making handicrafts. Accidentally, I was introduced by a neighbor to a Mr. Li, an elderly man who made maned figure. He taught me how to make maned figure for about a month. Later on, my teacher suffered glaucoma and could not teach me any longer. Then my relative introduced me to Mr. Li Cunsong, who showed me to Mr. Wang Hanqing known as the “Maned Figure Maker Wang”. I often visited him and asked him about how to make maned figure. As a result, I have inherited the skills of making Wang-family maned figure.

Making the gorgeous and dynamic maned figure
“Maned Figure Maker Bai” gained his fame overnight
Mr. Bai: After knowing the features in the production of Wang-family maned figure, I started to reform the original production process because I wished my maned figure being more suitable for stage performance. First, I began to use the silk to make the figure’s costume (in the past, the color paper was used whose color could not last long). As a result, the maned figure’s costume got more bright color and produced more gorgeous impression. At the same time, I also reformed the facial mask and accessories on the maned figure by borrowing elements from the Peking Opera stage in reality, including the weaponry held in the hands of the maned figure. Besides, I also installed “legs” on the maned figure. In the past, the body of the figure was nothing but a cone and now I gave legs to it. So the maned figure made by me was dynamic, which could make the first pose on the stage as the characters in Peking Opera do. With these reforms, I had made the maned figure closer to the stage performance and the story.
Such titles as the “Maned Figure Maker Wang”, “Clay Figure Maker Zhang” and “Dough Figure Maker Tang” actually represent the common people’s recognition for folk arts. In the past, the art makers sold their works at the temple fairs. So the customers would name these artists by calling the names of the art and their surnames. In 1959, I started to learn how to make maned figure and my production was approved by the government in 1960. At that time, the Art Service Department in the National Art Museum of China had a counter for me.
In 1964, the Drum Tower resumed the temple fair. Many folk artists were invited to make a large-scale performances. Since then, my maned figure had been given attention by Beijing people, in particular the elderly people who had lived in Beijing for years. However, the art of maned figure had some difficulty because of the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution.
改革开放后,我的鬃人是最早接触市场的民间艺术,吸引了各国来宾的喜欢与关注。 1985年我帮着筹划了地坛庙会,组织了很多艺人表演,我自己也参与其中,渐渐地,鬃人又走入人们的视线当中,慢慢地,“鬃人白”这个名号就叫响了。
When China adopted the policy of reform and opening-up, my maned figure was the first Chinese folk art sold in the market, which was immediately loved by the foreign visitors and tourists. In 1985, I helped to plan the temple fair in the Temple of Earth and mobilized many artists to give performances including me. Gradually, the maned figure began to be seen again. And my title as the “Maned Figure Maker Bai” also gained more popularity.

Popular in foreign countries
“Maned Figure Maker Bai” known by the world
Mr. Bai: After China adopted the reform and opening-up policy, I was among the first folk artists to contact foreigners because I have an open mind and are not limited by old thoughts.
In 1996, I was invited to visit Israel to attend the International Expo, which is the sole international expo specialized in folk arts of handicrafts. The Expo was attended by handicraftsmen from many countries. On a square in the old Jerusalem, thousands of people gathered to have exchanges or sell their products. I had the opportunity to know many handicraft forms and handicraftsmen in the world, which widened my vision greatly. In the following year, I came to an idea of planning the Chinese festival of folk arts and handicrafts.

In November 1997, I planned the Chinese Folk Art & handicraft Week, which was organized by Beijing TV. At that time, I hoped China could expand her influence by means of exchanges of all kinds. The fund came from the business and Beijing TV helped promote the festival. The artists had exchanges on the platform so many parties benefited from it. That event was for the public interest. However, today many exhibitions are organized to sell products. I invited the “Clay Figure Maker Tang” and representative artists and handicraftsmen in paper cutting and carved figure. A small number of folk artists from South Africa (not establishing diplomatic relations with China by that time), Mexico and Japan also came. The festival made a sensation at that time.

It is worth noting that France gives great attention to traditional Chinese art. I had a French friend called Guillem . After hearing about the maned figure, he phoned many contacts of his before reaching me via the France-China Friendship Association. As requested by them, I made many maned figures with the characteristics of Chinese operas. At the same time, I recommended to them some local folk artists in Beijing.

In 1997, I took my maned figures to France and stayed in the country for one month and a half as a representative of the Chinese folk artists. I knew many French people, including the kids in kindergarten and congressmen. I held the Chinese opera art exhibition and gave lectures in five major French cities. Through these communications, I, as a maned figure maker, helped to propagate and disseminate the Chinese opera culture.

“The folk art can be ruined by shoddy”
Over the past 50 years, he has kept on the path of “exclusive production”.
Mr. Bai: Before the liberation, the artists and handicraftsmen lived on themselves as individual workers or workshop owners. They simply lived on selling their products at the temple fairs. After P.R.C was founded, they started to work in cooperation and some of them got paid by the government. But I am an exception. During the past 5 decades, I have kept on the path of “exclusive production”.
Thirty years ago when the Chinese government was supporting the job-waiting young people to establish their own businesses, I went into cooperation with Yanjing Calligraphy and Painting Studio. Fan Zeng and Dong Shouping were also doing business with the Studio. The maned figure was the first to be sold in the market and won great popularity among foreign tourists in particular. It brought me huge incomes and I had the idea of producing the maned figure in large quantity.
At that time, I could earn a few hundred or even more than 1,000 RMB. Even though my products were greatly popular in the market, I refused to organize the mass production or set up a factory. If I had opened a factory at that time, it might have brought bigger profits for me. However, the characteristics of folk art would have been impacted. And we would not have the constantly-innovated art.
Nowadays, my maned figures are not sold in the market. Instead, the collectors and fans would come to me to buy them. Of course, this is because my products have won great fame and attention when they were sold in the markets. My maned figure products have high quality and distinctive features. To preserve the traditional folk art, we should not build a factory, enlarge the production or teach as many students as possible. The folk art can be ruined by shoddy.

Future of maned figure
Folk arts are protected by government
Mr, Bai: As the folk art, the maned figure is now being protected by the government as the non-tangible cultural heritage. However, I believe the artists themselves should also give attention to the protection. The folk art will be prospering forever after they have the government policies and the peaceful mentality of theirs. Nowadays, the maned figure has to cater to the needs of tourism market while representing the Chinese folk art. And I believe this is the right direction of its future development.

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