Zuo Or Qi? 坐 与 骑

To get from one place to another, we can either walk or take a vehicle of some kind. Depending on the type of vehicle, we describe the action of taking it with the Mandarin Chinese co-verbs 坐 (zuò) or 騎/骑 (qí).
Zuò – Ride On A Seat

The co-verb 坐 (zuò) is used with any vehicle in which you can sit down. This includes cars, buses, trains, boats, or planes.
Qí – Straddle

The co-verb 騎/骑 (qí) is used for any means of conveyance that you have to straddle, such as a motorcycle, bicycle, or horse.

Sentence Construction

The structure of sentences which use either 坐 or 騎/骑 is as follows:

SUBJECT – 坐 or 騎/骑 + NOUN – DIRECTION – 來/来 or 去

For example:

    Tā zuò chuán dào péng hú qúndǎo qù.
    He took a boat to the Peng Hu islands. (Literally: He by boat to Peng Hu islands go.)

Here are a few more examples:

    Tāmen zuò fēijī qù.
    They went by plane. (Literally: They by plane go.)

    Wǒ qí jiǎotàchē dào xuéxiào qù.
    I go to school by bicycle.

    Tā hěn xǐhuan qí mótuōchē lái.
    She likes to come by motorcycle.

    Wǒmen cóng Běijīng zuò fēijī lái.
    We came from Beijing by plane.

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