Compound Finals and Finals with Nasal Endings and Rilles of Sidling│复韵母和鼻音韵母及拼写规则


Compound Finals and Finals with Nasal Endingsand Rilles of Sidling

1.复韵母 Compound Finals


Finals made up of two or three vowels are  compound finals and there are 13 of them:

ai [ai] ao [au]
ou [ou]
ei① [ei]
ia [ia] ie [ie] iao [iau] iou [iou]
ua [ua] uo [uo] uai [uai] uei [uei]
üe [y]


① ei和英语day里ay发音相同,其中e是半高的[e].下边ie和üe中的e舌位略低一些,是半低的[ ]。

ei is pronounced in the same way as “ay”  in “day” and the e in ei is the half-high [e]、The e in ie and üe, with the tongue position a little lower, is the half-low [ ] .


2.鼻音韵母 Finals with Nasal Endings

元音后面带上鼻音韵尾-n[n]或-ng [ ]构成的韵母,叫做鼻音韵母。鼻音韵母一共有16个:

Finals with nasal endings are finals followed by -n [n] or – ng [ ] and there are 16 of them:

an [an] ang [a ]
ong [u ]
en [ n] eng [ ]
in [in] ing [i ] ian [i n] iang [ia] iang [yu ]
uen [u n] uerg [u ] uan [uan] uang [ua ]
Un [yn] uan [y n]


  • .拼写规则Rules of Spelling
  • 由i或ü开头的韵母前没有声母的时候,要加准声母y,如:

When there is no initial before the final i or ü in a syllable, we add the quasi-initial y before the final, g .

i→yi     ü→yu     üe→yue


When there is no initial before a compound final started with i in a syllable, we change i into the quasi-initial y, g .

iao→yao     iou→ycu

  • 由u开头的韵母前面没有声母的时候,要加准声母W(u→wu)或以w代u (ua→wa, uai→wai).

When there is no initial before a final started with u, we add the quasi-initial w before the final (u→wu)or in place of u (ua→wa, uai→wai).

  • 由ü开头的韵母和j、q、x、y相拼时,ü上的两点省略,例如:

When a final started with ü is preceded by j q x or y, the two dots above ü are dropped, g .

ju, qu, xu, xun, yuan

  • 有声母时复韵母iou, uei分别写作iu, ui,鼻音韵母uen写作un,例如:

When preceded by initials, the finals iou and uei are shortened as iu and ui respectively while uen is written as un, g .

i + icu→liu      h+uei→hui     g + uen→gun

练 习 Exercises

  • .读下表: Read the following table:
a     o     e ai     ei     ao     ou an     en     ang     erg     ong



Ia         ie

ua    uo


iao   iu

uai    ui

ian    in     iang    ing     iarg

Uan    un     uang    ueng

üan    ün


  • . 练习复韵母 Exerciseson conpound finals:
ai ei ao ou ia ie iao ua uo uai ui üe
j jia jie jiao jue
q qia qie qiao que
x xia xie xiao xue
z zai zei zao zou zuo zui
c cai cao cou cuo cui
s sai sao sou suo sui
zh zhai zhei zhao zhou zhua zhuo zhuai zhui
ch chai chao chou chuo chuai chui
sh shai shei shao shcu shua shuo shuai shui
r rao rou ruo rui



3 .分辨下列音节: Discriminate the following syllables:

lan—lang,   ben—beng, jin—jing, qin—qing, xun—xiong

bai—bei, liao—liu, guai—gui, xia—xie, suo—sui

  1. 按拼音规则正确写出下面的音节:

Write the following syllabes according to the rules of spelling:

i→ ian→ iorg→ iou→ ie→

u→ uo→ ua→ uai→ uei→ uen→ ueng→ uang→

ü→ üe→ üan→ ün→

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