An ancient legend has it that a tiger ate a man, and the man’s soul could not be freed until it found another man for the tiger to eat. This idiom means to do evil things in the service of the wicked.
为虎作伥 (wèi hǔ zuò chāng)
【翻译】 Helping the Tiger to Pounce upon Its Victims.
【释义】 旧时迷信,认为被老虎咬死的人,他的鬼魂又帮助老虎伤人,称为伥鬼。比喻帮助恶人
【例句】 他们助桀为虐,为虎作伥,死心塌地投靠侵略者
【近义词】 为虎添翼 助纣为虐
【反义词】 为民除害 除暴安良